- Children, coaches and accompanying adults should wash their hands with water and liquid soap on arrival and when leaving the gym. Also after coughing/sneezing in hands, sleeve or disposable handkerchiefs.
- All Ludikas guest will use the toilet on the 1 floor inside the gym.
- When changing diapers, you will use the special bathroom on the ground floor. Thorough hygiene of the changing table and hands is required after use. Take the dipper with you. There is a big trash container in the parking area.
- Access to alcohol in gel, soap and water will be available.
- Bring your water bottle WITH water. Eating at the gym or building is not allowed.
- We have everything we need at the gym, so do not bring toys from home.
- Come on time and leave the building when you're finished, so we can prepare the place for the next session.
- As other organizations are working in the building permanence in the inside and outdoor areas has to remain short.
Our actions regarding the cleaning of the gym and the equipment:
- Ludika will frequently clean and disinfect the surfaces (so-called contact points) before and after the training session. This includes toys, mattresses, climbing frames, rings, trampoline, mirrors, handles, toilets and work tables. We will have a special focus on surfaces that are on child-height, such as door handles.
- All non-washable types of equipment and toys will not be available.
- We will thoroughly vent the studio in between sessions.
- All sessions will be booked with space among them.
- Read more here about the guidelines on reopening.(only in danish)