LUDIKA specializes in work with children and young people with difficulties in different development areas. We aim to identify the child's needs and to develop an outline of a program to help your child.
The topic of development is vast and we have expertise in the network to cover nearly every issue your child may face.
Children who come to LUDIKA do not always have a diagnosis, but they are experiencing challenges that are often visible in several development areas. This not only affects the child's performance or participation in activities, but also the quality of life of children and family.
We know what parents go through. We care because we understand.
We are aware of the challenges many international families face when it comes to finding a qualified and appropriate program to help their children.
We are here to help you. Together with you, we can make a difference to your child’s future.

LUDIKA can help with:
Advice to parents. Our work always begins with a conversation with the parents. The family is the child's primary socialization and development trampoline. Parents' knowledge of their children carries invaluable information for us about their child's abilities. Children can show different behaviours in relation to the environment they are in. Therefore, it is not uncommon to find different observations or statements about a child, depending on the adults and/or context in which the child participates.
Guidance and information on the Danish educational and health system. We guide you around the possibilities for help in the public system - what to expect or not. What help can my child get offered? What are my child´s rights? These are questions that we often get asked.

Vi hjælper også med at evaluere den indsats som I har fået tilbud. Vores helhedsorienterede arbejde omfatte deltagelse i møder med uddannelse -og kommunale organisationener for en effektiv koordinering af indsatsen til gavn for barnet.
Viden og redskaber til at fremme jeres barns udvikling. Vi giver jer de værktøjer og nødvendig viden for at stimulere jeres barn ved at aktiv deltage i dets udvikling.Familien er barnets primært socialiseringsmiljø og udviklings trampolin. Vi er bevidst om den store indflydelse som forældrenes har til fordel til barnets udviklings.Se Foredrag og Kurser
Vi har en god portion erfaring i at finde de rigtige indsats. Mange gange er det nok med rådgivning til forældrene,og andre gange er det nødvendigt at arbejde mere tværfagligt eller direkte med barnet. Vi arbejder med børn fra 2 måneder og op. Se Børn
Skriv til os, og vi vil kontakte dig/jer så hurtigt som muligt. Gå til Kontakt