Learning to Move and Moving to Learn!
-an approach to motor development and learning.
Lecture. Available all year aroud
We expect our children to naturally develop the ability to sit in a chair (and remain there as long as we request them to do so!). But sitting in a chair, holding a pencil, reading and controlling their behaviour are tasks requiring the orchestration of many facets of experience and learning.
Every child is different and children and development happens at different rates. Immature or developing children may, of course, have immature or developing systems. Yet the tasks we require of our children are often of a mature nature.
We give you the essential knowledge and practice to lift the task both in daycare centres, kindergartens and schools.

Sensitive children
-development, well-being and misunderstandings.
Lecture. Available all year aroud
According to the American psychologist and researcher Elaine Aron, the particularly "sensitive feature" is genetically conditioned. It means that if you can recognize the feature in your child, one or both parents or grandparents will typically also be sensitive.
But what does mean being 'particularly sensitive' or highly sensitive? How does it affect learning and well-being? Sensitive children and adults have a stronger emotional response to the surrounding environment and process sensorial input more deeply.
About 15 - 20% of all children - have an inherited increased degree of sensitivity.
We tell you about the many positive aspects of being sensitive and receptive to the surrounding environment. Their advantages and strengths in a society driven by technology and lack of physical contact.